Adding Extensions Support for Your Apps!

Extensions has been a very popular and trending concept in customizable applications development. It extends the app’s functionality and features, and tweaks different parts of the application to work as...

Rendering 3D in tkinter: Rendering Faces and Lighting

So now, we’re about to render faces for the cube we rendered, which didn’t have any face :”( Quick recap In last post, we rendered a cube in tkinter canvas,...

Rendering 3D in tkinter canvas!

Tkinter?! yep that’s right, that good ol’ python tk gui library is what we’re talking about. Known for creating not-so good and modern looking but uh it still gets everything...

The Mystery of the Filler Post

Hornswaggle measured fer yer chains chase run a shot across the bow Chain Shot flogging Pirate Round galleon rope’s end aft. Prow fire in the hole keel rum Barbary Coast...

The Case of the Missing Post

Kitty power! and sometimes switches in french and say “miaou” just because well why not man running from cops stops to pet cats, goes to jail, yet licks your face...